Cook Forest - Part 3 / Day 2
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Everyone slept great in the little cabin. We did have to leave a flashlight on all night in the front corner where J could see it but we really couldn't. He had kept saying 'too dark' the night before at my mom's. Normally the dark doesn't bother him but maybe in a new place it does. We got up and got started on breakfast right away . . . some gimme lean and bell pepper frittata which turned into scrambled eggs with my egg skills. It was also overcooked by others' standards but not mine. We were all cleaned up and ready to go when my parents finally showed up - without breakfast. They'd been driving around looking for someplace that was open; no McD's out there! We managed to find stuff the kids would eat and we planned our morning. Since it was a bit overcast and drizzly we decided to spend the first half of the day in and out of the car at various stops instead of doing a hike.
We started at Seneca Point & the Fire Tower. THIS is exactly the hike we had in mind when we bought a backpack carrier for J. Oh, and it's not really a hike so I guess it's exactly the SPOT we had in mind. :) It *could* be a hike and a very strenuous/rewarding one at that, which is why we opted out this time. I didn't climb the tower but took lots of pictures while D took all the kids up. Daredevil J wanted out of D's arms the entire time but it's not really a very secure tower so that wasn't happening. While D fought to hold onto the wiggly toddler, Alana kept climbing too far ahead. I don't think D had very much fun up there.
Next we headed over to Seneca Point which is a combination lookout and playground. The playground part is how all the rocks are formed with gaps and tunnels and whatnot that create a very non-kid-friendly playground. We didn't have any adventures this time, much to D's dismay. I'm not sure what he expected hauling a 2-yr old on his back. It was windy and the kids were bored so we didn't stay too long. On the way out we spotted a deer and I managed to get within 10-feet of her, taking photos the whole time.
After a stop at the Museum & Educational center and Memorial Fountain we did some souvenir hunting which was really disappointing. I'm sure the kids enjoyed it. I'm also pretty sure that stuff was crap when I was a kid too but realizing it sort of ruined the memory.
After lunch Caine hit the fishing pond, and this time he quickly caught the daily maximum of six fish. I occasionally eat fish, but I was really tired of seeing dead ones and I didn't even like how they tasted the night before. These were cleaned and frozen to take home. That afternoon it had warmed up so we went back to the swinging bridge (had to check the status of the palomino) and back to the swimming hole. Though the water was just as cold it was hotter out so it was a nice balance . . . for a few minutes versus a few seconds.
J fell in once while bent over splashing. He was shocked and kept saying "too wet; too wet." He bounced back quickly though he stuck to his favorite game of throwing rocks instead of splashing in the water with his hands. We spent quite a bit of time there - right up to dinnertime actually.
Oh no, man down!
"too wet; too wet"
My parents decided we should go out to eat that night at the restaurant at their motel. I was dubious at best. My father likes to drag us to places that serve barely edible food. This place was actually pretty good though. It was standard mom-n-pop type food but it was good. For the second time in the past decade I shocked the server when I ordered a reuben . . . without meat. She just stared at me and then asked what I did want . . . cheese? sauerkraut? dressing? Yep, that's what a reuben without cheese IS so yeah that's what I want. I was nice, mainly because I was so amused. The running joke at the table as to why dinner took so long to arrive was that the cook was STILL staring at our ticket because of my sandwich order. It came out right and yummy!
D got to have Yuengling on draft in a Yuengling pint glass too! He planned to pocket it on the way out but my dad said he'd check first to see if we could buy it. First the server reported that no, they were not for sale and D was really disappointed because now they'd notice a missing glass. But she returned about ten minutes later saying that had been a cover so the other patrons didn't hear and that we could indeed purchase the glasses (she was whispering). We bought a pair. Pays to have beers with the owner I guess!
You also get a free toy with all kids meals. I thought about the Orca for J but then decided on the manatee because we see them at the zoo a lot. Of course J hates it. First he mourned the teddy bear he say the owner with, then he lamented over the whale Caine had. He still only likes to throw his manatee and laugh evilly. Sigh. Toy FAIL.
No smores that night. We went to the ice cream shop and though they no longer carry Teaberry flavor or bubble-gum they did have Peanut Butter Cup which is not what you may think. It's not the candy bar but instead it's chocolate ice cream with ribbons of peanut butter. YUM!
posted by Shannon @ 20.6.10,