Cook Forest - Part 1
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I'm finally using my travel blog! Yeah! It's been a year's hiatus at least. Except for trips to Texas to visit the family, we haven't done a vacation since St. John last May. Cook Forest was similar but different too (in obvious ways).
My family vacationed in Cook Forest (which we always called 'Cooks Forest' but that's apparently wrong) for years. Each year we'd rent one of the state River Cabins which had running water and electricity but only pit toilets and often they were a bit of a hike away. The showers were located in the other state cabin area and we'd drive there. My aunts also rented cabins so there was quite a group of us. I now understand why this works so well.
In planning our summer vacations this year, I wanted to do something with family. I knew J would have an awesome time playing with his cousins. I had first set my sights on the younger cousins but that didn't work out. I didn't expect that the older two would enjoy J's company. I was so wrong. The kids had a great time. And what I learned was how nice it is to have older kids helping keep an eye on the little ones . . . not only that but having kids to entertain each other in general was great. Had D and I gone with just J our short trip would have been far less fun for everyone. J would have been bored and whiny and we would have been exhausted from entertaining him in addition to hauling him around on hikes.
Before I go into the trip in the next blog installments, I wanted to share some older photos of previous trips. Like I said, we vacationed there for many years. I can't recall how many exactly. I know it was in the mid to late 1980s with one final trip in the mid-1990s. Cook Forest is only about an hour and a half from my parents so I did go up on day trips with friends in both high school and college too as well as one day trip with my parents the summer I got married.
I really do love the place. I had not forgotten that, but I had forgotten why and how much I loved it.

Seneca Point, mid-1980s

Fire Tower, mid-1980s

Tom's Run mid-1980s
The water was higher this year & the waterfall in the back was flowing.

Swinging Bridge, mid-1980s
My grandfather, grandmother, self, brother, and father are pictured from left to right.

Tom's Run, under swinging bridge, mid-1990s
back row: my sister, cousing, brother
front row: self, cousin, cousin
posted by Shannon @ 20.6.10,
- At June 21, 2010, said...
I did not realize there was no "s" either. Love that you got some of the same shots in your photos from this trip!